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Support our TeeSpring Campaign for Extra Life

Melvin Dichoso
February 29, 20161 min read

We announced recently that we will be once again supporting this year’s Extra-Life by providing qualified participants a 3-month XSplit Premium license for FREE. We want to spice that up even more so we’re very thrilled to announce that we are running TeeSpring campaign to complement what we already offered.

xsplit teespring

We received exceptional feedback for our T-shirts specifically how creative the designs are since we introduced them to the public and started bringing them to events and conventions. Since then people have asked us incessantly if we are planning to sell them at some point in time.

Thanks to the awesome TeeSpring platform, we can now sell limited quantities of the T-shirts without having to worry at all about printing and shipping. But the best part of this is all money that we earn for T-shirt sales goes directly to Extra Life as a donation. This means every purchase of a shirt is for a good cause!

So if you’re one of those looking to avail yourself an XSplit T-shirt before, then you can do it now and be able to help Extra Life in the process as well. Go to to get the T-shirts!

Melvin Dichoso

A basketball junkie, blogger, headphone enthusiast, aspiring chef, and traveler wannabe. Does social media and various other stuff for XSplit.More from this Author